Web Hosting packages offer great value for companies and individuals. Any of our packages will be a perfect add-on to your domain name. Starting from just USD $1.99/mo, each package offers all the features and uptime you'll need to start or grow your online presence. Our network consists of six Tier 1 providers to ensure that you stay online all the time. We offer full 24/7 email support for all our web hosting plans so you'll never have trouble contacting us if help is required ASAP.
All of our hosting nodes use the latest software from cPanel, Cloud Linux, Softaculous, K-Splice and R1Soft. This combination ensures that our servers run at maximum speed with the world class security and stability.
Our servers run on CloudLinux which is specifically designed around web hosting services. It allows us to limit the amount of CPU, memory and processes a single web site can use. This means a more stable environment as a single user is unable to utilize all system resources. In a typical web hosting environment one abusive user would be able to slow down all web sites on the server or even worse crash the system. This won't happen for any customer using our web hosting services.
Each of our available web hosting packages are powered by cPanel, the most popular web hosting control panel available today. It makes it possible for you to use many of our great features without the need for much knowledge about servers or anything of that nature. Just a few clicks and you have an email account setup. With another few clicks you'll have your first database setup, allowing you to access and manipulate it through the control panel.
Softaculous is an auto installer growing in popularity as an alternative to other installers and comes pre-installed in all web hosting packages. It provides over 230 scripts allowing one click implementation of the most popular CMS and web applications available like Wordpress and Joomla. With over 230 scripts available Softaculous offers significantly more variety than other installers. It also provides updates at a much more rapid pace than other auto installers available today. The interface it provides is more refined than similar applications; providing useful information like reviews, demos of script functionalities and much more.
All our web hosting packges are deployed on the latest technology to ensure the best speed and uptime possible to our customers. We never overload our servers! The minimum hardware specs we have on offer is:
Our network easily and quickly spans the US and beyond. Your data gets perfect routes to where it needs to all the time. We have some of the most comprehensive peering arrangements anywhere. Our peering arrangements provide direct connectivity to many locations outside of our facilities. We have put the time and energy into opening these peering routes, which allows us to provide you with the best connectivity possible for your Web Hosting package.