How to Maximize Your Reach and Revenue through Digital Marketing
Marketing in today's online age is distinctly defined into traditional printed and advertisement marketing, and digital marketing, although obviously with many crossover points. Digital Marketing represents a never-ending expanse of opportunity in the age of the Internet, and any company knows the importance of engaging with customers through such means. It is important to understand the challenging digital environment and engage with it successfully in order to maximise your reach and revenue.
Digital marketing can broadly be sub-divided into 2 significant areas – search engine marketing and social media marketing. Search Engine Marketing involves the 2 options of Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). With Search Engines being the start of such a large proportion of searches online, it is vital to engage with this platform to reach out to your customers. Indeed if you are not visible on search engines you will lose out to your competitors. A long term program of SEO, at least 12 months is an effective use of digital marketing for progressive ROIs. Ranking high in organic searches will maximise your reach to potential customers, arguably in the most effective way since search engines are the start of so many Internet searches. With this, you will get more leads, more interest, greater brand awareness, and ultimately, if you act on these improvements, more sales and ultimately an increased revenue.
PPC is for more short term aims or to get your name out there within particular promotional campaigns. It gets your brand right to the top of search engines within the paid section, and is often done concurrently with SEO at the start of the 12 month program to increase your brand awareness. It is the first result your potential clients see within search engines and effectively expands your reach by getting your name spoken more about. Search Engine Marketing as a whole is a flexible strategy within digital marketing and can be tailored to your specific requirements.
Social Media Marketing represents the newest area of digital marketing, as a reflection of the growth within the last few years of social media. Social media is dominant, and is here to stay. It is a more personal way to engage with customers and indeed digitally savvy customers now demand a more personalised service. Now Facebook and Twitter Marketing are more prominent, but of course more expensive, than ever before. You need a professional marketing expert to advise you as to how most appropriately utilise these platforms to maximise your reach and revenue.
Technology now creates an incredible opportunity for organisations to better understand who their customers and potential customer are. With this understanding of user-interaction online one can identify the best outlets within digital marketing and then deliver personalised digital experiences, taking a big step forward in helping drive conversions.
Pairing marketing knowledge with advances in marketing technology introduces a great opportunity for digital marketers: the ability to drive revenue. It's ultimately about the end-user experience: give your customers what they want, and they'll keep coming back!