Domain Name Registration:

Why register a domain name?

Domain names are the foundation of an organization's online identity, as commercial, corporate, brand & product names are registered as domain names for use as website and email addresses.
Reasons for building domain name portfolios vary. Some common reasons considered by organisations when building domain name portfolios include:

� Branding � promotion of various products and services
� Geographical, linguistic and cultural representation
� Driving more traffic to a single website with multiple domain names
� Increased opportunity to market to (and be listed in) search engines
� Defensive reasons � prevent competitors or profiteers from obtaining domain names that could be valuable to you
� Capturing common misspellings of your domain names

Domain Name Renewal:

Your domain name expiring soon? Renew it now, before it's lost! If your domain name is registered with IP Mirror, just login to your account and renew it now! You may also be interested to transfer-in your domain names No account yet? Sign-up for free!

Transfer-in Domain Names:

Consolidate all your domain names with IP Mirror - icann-accredited registrar, offering superior round-the-clock support. Read more about Domain Name Portfolio Mangement. Start transferring in by logging in to your account. For more details on how to transfer-in, please see the FAQ Section in our Help Centre No account yet? Sign-up for free!

Back Order Domain Names:

Got your eye on a domain name, but it belongs to someone else? Or Missed your expiration date and someone else has bought up your domain name? With backorder service, IP Mirror can help get it for you when the domain name is in the market again! If you already have an account, you can login from here You may also be interested in Domain Name Recovery No account yet? Sign-up for free!